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Why should you hire a professional writer, editor or translator?


Because clear, concise and correct communication is SO important in these times of fake news and information overload. Good grammar, accurate spelling and clear expression are the three key elements to ensure if you want people to read something – all the way to the end – and remember it (for the right reasons!)

If you have stakeholders – and most of us do, in the form of clients (existing and potential), employers, employees, colleagues, dependants, students, etc. – you owe them relevant, well-crafted written information. They expect it of you and will repay you for it, in the form of respect, attention and/or custom.


But if commas confound you, hyphens make you hyperventilate and you spell like Donald Trump (covfefe, anyone?), let me help you.


Contact me today for a competitive quote for your written communication project.

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